HEYKUBE Python Library

HEYKUBE has an Open API. Connect HEYKUBE to a Raspberry Pi (not included) and take control of the cube by programming it using the HEYKUBE Python Library.

The Beta (v0.5.0) HEYKUBE python library is released. It exposes functions to connect to HEYKUBE, play sounds, light up lights, check the moves and states, and send your own instructions.

Documentation: https://heykube-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Source code:https://github.com/heykube/heykube_python

The library continues to grow with additional features and documentation.

Please note: Bluetooth on the Pi can be unstable and you made need to reset the interface a few times (sudo hciconfig hci0 reset).

The ultimate goal - code for HEYKUBE, have fun, and learn along the way!